Handplane - Personal Project
Final Stats: 7.6k Triangles, 4k Texture Maps
When Marmoset 3 came out, I was blown away at the realtime Global Illumination capabilities. Polycount had announced a contest to try a new baking tool called "Handplane" so I decided to learn a new tool and push my own photo-realistic talents as far as I could. I modeled it in 3dsmax, did my bakes in Handplane, textured in Substance Painter, and rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3. You can see my process here in the polyground thread.
When Marmoset 3 came out, I was blown away at the realtime Global Illumination capabilities. Polycount had announced a contest to try a new baking tool called "Handplane" so I decided to learn a new tool and push my own photo-realistic talents as far as I could. I modeled it in 3dsmax, did my bakes in Handplane, textured in Substance Painter, and rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3. You can see my process here in the polyground thread.